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Dissertation: Gamher


Gamher: Creating a Game to Increase Girls’ Interest in Programming

My Doctorate Research was based on reviewing what is out there currently in gaining girls' interest in Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and designing an Educational Computer Game to increase this interest. My research incorporated the design of the game, making the prototype, and then evaluating the prototype.


Download the game Array[7] (Windows PC Only)


Gamher World - a girls-only 3D Virtual World designed to provide    

programming resources and notes (developed 2014/2015) 

Other Projects









Watch the Rest of the Simulation Building Club Videos Here

Doctorate Project: EM852 Virtual and Cloud Computing Architectures

Early Instructional Game Project Walkthrough

My old Blog: Blog


-Kamberi, S (2017, March). "Exposing girls to Computer Science, does the all-girl model really work?". IEEE Integrated Stem Education Conference, Princeton University, NJ. IEEE Xplore Library.


-Kamberi, S (2017, January) A girls-only online virtual world environment and its implications for game-based learning. Stricker, A., Calongne, C., Truman, B., Arenas (Eds.), Integrating an Awareness of Selfhood and Society into Virtual Learning. IGI-Global.


-Kamberi, S (2015). Enticing Women to Computer Science with Es (Expose, Engage, Encourage, Empower). IEEE WIE Summit East 2015. IEEE Xplore Library.


-Kamberi, S (2014, December). The Four Es Model for Increasing the Number of Women in Computer Science [Working Paper]. DeVry University Journal of Scholarly Research, 1 (2), p. 24 - 30


-Kamberi, S. (2012, December). A cross-case analysis of possible facial emotion extraction methods that could be used in Second Life (pre experimental work). Journal of Virtual Worlds Research, Vol. 5, No. 3. Found Online:


-Kamberi, S. & Zumkhawala, A. (2013, September). How a Computing Nonprofit Uses Surveys to Support STEM Education. (Blog Entry)


-Novak, J. (2011) Game Development Essentials (Third Edition) – Subject Matter Expert Comment is on Pg. 285


-Master's Thesis


-Kamberi, S. (2018, April 11-13). Using an Online Virtual World for Multi-Disciplinary Collaboration and Distance Learning. VCCS New Horizons 2018. Roanoke, VA.

-Kamberi, S (2017, March 29 - April 1). "Insights from a Girls-only virtual world STEM game" a Second Life Exhibition at the VWBPE '17 conference.


-Kamberi, S (2017, March). "Exposing girls to Computer Science, does the all-girl model really work?" Paper Presentation at the IEEE Integrated Stem Education Conference, Princeton University, NJ.


-Kamberi, S (2016, Dec). Essential Leadership Skills, A Personal Perspective. Poster Presentation at the 2016 IEEE WIE Forum USA East. Boston, MA.


-Kamberi, S (2016, June). What do adolescent girls want in game-based learning? Poster Presentation at the 2016 ISTE Conference. Denver, CO.


-Kamberi, S (2016, February). Designing an Educational Game to Obtain Teenage Girls’ interest in Cyber Security. Presentation at the 2016 ISSA WIS SIG Webinar Series.


-Kamberi, S (2015, Nov. 8). Enticing Women to Computer Science with Es (Expose, Engage, Encourage, Empower). IEEE WIE Summit East 2015. [Paper Presentation]


-Kamberi, S (2015, June 7). Why Computer Science? My Journey. Connecting Generations 2015. [Invited Talk]


-Kamberi, S. (2014, October). Gamher: Creating a Game to Increase Girls' Interest in Programming. Presentation at the 2014 Grace Hopper Conference.


-Hebda, T., McGonigle, D., Sipes, C., Bauman, E., Beach, K. & Kamberi, S. (2014, July 17). Game Based Learning to Teach Electronic Health Record (EHR) Use. Poster Presentation at the 24th Summer Institute in Nursing Informatics (SINI 2014)


-Kamberi, S. (aka. Penny Galaxy), Hebda, T., McGonigle, D. (2014, April). The Programmer & the Nurse - Using Second Life for Multi-Disciplinary Collaboration and Learning. Simulation Demonstration presented at the 2014 Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference (VWBPE 2014).


-Kamberi, S., Palma Jr. E., Hebda, T., McGonigle, D. (2014, January). Working Together: How to Use Virtual Environments to Promote Multi-Discipline Learning by Creating Educational Healthcare Simulation Projects. Poster session presented at the 14th annual International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare (IMSH), San Francisco, CA. [See Poster]


-Calongne, C., Kamberi, S., Murray, J., Ostler, K., Spencer, I., Steele, C., . . . Truman, B. (2012). Privacy is a myth: EM 835 information accountability and web privacy strategies, 2012 TCC Worldwide Conference, April 18, 2012. Retrieved from

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© 2020 Shahnaz Kamberi

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